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Pwogram ak Sèvis
Lejislati Eta Nouyòk la otorize SILO epi NYSED, ACCES-VR, Depatman ILC fè yon kontra pou l bay sèvis lavi endepandan atravè rejyon Long Island la. SILO fè patenarya ak Depatman Eta New York. of Health, New York State Office for the Aging, New York Association for Independent Living ak plis pase 300 ajans Sèvis Imen ak machann prive nan Long Island pou asire yon seri sèvis konplè pou patisipan ak kliyan nou yo.
Antre nan lis imèl nou an!
Suffolk Independent Living Organization (SILO)
3253 Route 112
Bldg. 10
Medford, NY 11763
Devan biwo
(631) 880-7929
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