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Information & Referral

Information & Referral is the practice of bringing people and services together.  It provides resources to assist in the coordination of available programs and services provided by community, social, health, and government organizations.  It helps residents of all ages make informed choices regarding their long term care needs. Those served include individuals with physical, mental health and developmental disabilities, their families, caregivers, friends, neighbors and professionals. Services include referrals for home care, caregiver supports, care coordination, case management, respite care, transportation, home-delivered meals, information on health insurance and more.

  • Anyone can get help with information about resources by telephone, online, or in-person.

  • We can help link you to long term services and supports regardless of diagnosis, age or payor source.

  • We coordinate with other agencies to guide you through eligibility processes.

  • We provide seamless linkages for any necessary assessment you may need.

  • We help with application and enrollment in public assistance benefits.

NY Connects

​NY Connects is a point of entry into the long term services and support system for older adults and people of all ages with disabilities. Long-term services and supports (LTSS) are defined as the services and supports used by individuals of all ages with functional limitations and chronic illnesses who need assistance to perform routine daily activities such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals, and administering medications. NY Connects can help you find care and support, remain independent, understand care options, get answers about Medicare along with apply for Medicaid and other benefits. NY Connects programs are locally based where anyone, individuals, concerned family members or friends, veterans, or helping professionals - can go for help in finding the information, services, and supports that they need (regardless of age and payer source).

Long term services and supports can be provided in the home or in other community-based or residential settings to help someone stay healthy and independent. There are many long term services and supports options that may be available in your community, including:

  • Personal care services: preparing meals, housekeeping, bathing, transportation, home safety and accessibility & household finances.

  • Education and Counseling: Independent living skills, supported employment, adult education, building occupational skills.

  • Behavioral health/developmental supports and services: ID/DD supports and services, mental health services, substance use disorder services

  • Health and Wellness: Abuse prevention and protection, managing chronic conditions, building community relationships

  • Insurance Information

  • Options Counseling

NY Connects has trained Information and Assistance Specialists who will discuss the full range of options that are available and help you make informed decisions about the services and supports that will meet your needs.
NY Connects @ SILO

Call (631) 730-3737

Information and Assistance NY Connects Long Island SILO We can help link you to Long Term supports and services to help you remain independent in the community! Call 631-730-3737. Individuals, families, caregivers or professionals, we can help. NY Connects

Disability Vaccination Access Opportunity Center (DVAO)

SILO was awarded the Disability Vaccination Access Opportunity Center grant to assist Long Islanders who are the most marginalized with barriers that prevent them from maintaining their accessibility to health care- namely the Pandemic, that truly isolated people who are too sick or cannot leave their homes, etc.

Through our outreach, public education and collaborating with the Department of Health to provide in-home vaccines in both Suffolk and Nassau County, NY Connects makes the complete referral and advocates for the consumer.

Contact NY Connects: 631-730-3737

We can help you get your Covid 19 Vaccination and Booster Shots. Calling Long Islanders. Have a disability? Homebound? Transportation issues? Are you or someone you know struggling to get the Covid 19 Vaccine or booster? Let us help you overcome any barriers to getting vaccinated. SILO- We are a disability vaccine access opportunity center 631 730-3737.

Options Counseling

Options Counseling is an interactive, person-centered process whereby individuals are supported in making informed long-term support decisions based on their preferences, strengths, values, abilities and resources. It includes exploring options, assisting with accessing supports/services, following-up with the individual, and may result in the development of an action plan.

If you are interested in Options Counseling please contact:
Erick Dreher, LMSW 631-730-3737 x120

Peer Counseling

Individuals are provided peer counseling support by people who have personal experience living with a disability. Discussion groups and individual sessions allow participants to share experiences and feelings concerning disability related issues in an open and supportive environment. Participants gain unique knowledge, hope and insight from others in similar situations; with the expectation that they come to feel better about themselves and their future.

If you are interested in Peer Counseling, please contact:
Kelly-Rae Douglas, Director of Independent Living Services & NY Connects:

631-730-3737 x136

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